Some of the little joys we enjoyed as kids were just thinking that being together depended solely on 2 people! Just the "You" and the "Me". Little did we even know about that cruel thing or even not so cruel thing called Fate. And then we grow a little older and we realize that things just do not go our way! And that's when we decided to name that particular event in our life as Fate!
Those are the dreaded times we wish Pandora had never opened that dreaded box which we know so popularly as "Pandoras Box". That box which brought out pain, suffering and all the evils life had! It's easier to believe in mythology at times and blame it on that one person. Not once thinking whether we were right!
And sometimes Life just goes on! Even if you are broken into a 100 different pieces it just goes on!
For Calvin, it's so much more easier to confide in his toy tiger Hobbes because Hobbes would never hurt Calvin! And sometimes it's all the more easier to stay away and avoid getting hurt. And then we think again!
It's always so easy watching out for what's ahead of us that we fail to enjoy the moment.
We try to avoid the fact that we were really offended and really hurt. Who are we fooling?
Words are the only thing which have the power to slice and seer the heart, sometimes even worse than an arrow.
And when the hurt of the rudeness somehow manages to find it's way back to the giver. The receiver of the rudeness has that smug which says, "Ha! He actually isn't that stone hearted!" but then we refuse to let go of the event because we believe that some people deserve "A Swift kick in the butt"
And then we wonder
And then we realize we couldn't ask for anything better. Because deep inside each of our hearts, we know whether we like it or not, "We have to, are going to be and forever will be there for each other!"
Because they are those people we've known forever, who know us in a way that other people don't, because they have seen you change and most importantly let you change!