Friday, June 8, 2012

Social Net - work - ing!

Social Networks are and I quote, "A boon to my social life and a bane to my personal life". Facebook was the most happening thing among college goers, still is! Twitter and Google + not any less! I ain't against them in any form, cause I keep in touch with my relatives and friends who stay abroad through them! But shouldn't there be a LIMIT? I mean your with people most of the time and when you need to connect with yourself, your again socialising? Don't people ever feel they need some "ME" Time? I first thought I couldn't stay without being connected but later I realised I didn't know what I was becoming, I needed to connect with me! Networking has become a form of work! It's an ardous task! I love blogging, so anything which catches my attention is up! But Social Networking, I learnt to limit myself a year ago because I felt I needed to reconnect with myself more than anybody on the phase of this earth! When you can visit, why not? Why live in a Virtual world and shut yourself away from reality?

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