Friday, December 23, 2011


Why aren't we ever satisfied with things we have and always want things instantly which we do not have? Why are we unwilling to sacrifice things which we want or have if it will make someone happy? That's when a family come's in- Grandparents, Parents... I'm one among them, well just till I pass that particular item in the store! But sometimes, my stubborn nature gets the better of me and I act so adament just to get that, my parents would probably put something they would've wanted just to satisfy my need! I have seen all the Women- My Grandmother, Mother, Aunt's in my life put their wants on hold just to satisfy their kith and kin, only to get Nil Gratitude! I think that trait is hidden in every girl from the minute they are born! But some are just unwilling to except the fact- me included! ;) The same things happen's in life, you want something but you just don't have it... instead your worst enemy just got it! Whew isn't that enough to put you on an all time low! The problem is that we want to get affected with the fact that we don't have it! There are so many things that we have that so many other's don't have! But it just doesn't seem the same without that new extra thing! That new extra thing which we haven't earned as yet! It's just that we feel a little alone to some extent, a little scared about how we will be accepted by society! Society now play's such a role in our day to day lives! Everyday!Have you ever realised that it is not a Trend- it's neither a Seasonal trend nor a Cyclical one (Stuff i learnt in my Management subjects), it's a Fad! For those of you who haven't understood the difference of the above two words- Refer philip Kotler's- 12th ed. Marketing Management! Satisfaction can get to be a trend if only we actually practice it! But in a World of instant things on a click..... satisfaction becomes just a fad! But in order to be seriously happy- Something whish i have realised, we need to stop bothering about society because at the end these people will never be there for you! The only people who will be there for you are those people who satisfied your need, sacrificing their's, whom we would have probably forgot to Thank but deep inside are so Grateful!

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