The Heel Of Achiles for many young girls is their heart.... It was no different for her! She always made Her Heart the judge of Matters of the Heart... Only to get hurt, time and again! Her mind would warn her about the Implications her actions would lead to... Alas, her heart seemed like a young, free spirit! She gathered up all her courage to tell Mr Imperfect what was in her mind, Only to get a simple reply "... but Mr Perfect stole you away!" Mr Perfect did not steal her away, He had given her an Ultimatum! An Ultimatum which she thought she would never be able to give! She love' Mr Perfect for him but...! She wondered if She should let go... She wondered whether it was worth fighting for... She wondered if it was all worth the hurt she had been put through! Alas... The umpredictable things of Life always remain unpredictable! Maybe she should follow the basic rule of Life: " When you let go of something You badly need in your life and if it does come back, It was always yours!"
nice sneha..:)