Its Human to err.... And sometimes the error made costs us a lot- Money, Relationships and the like! But When we ponder on what has the most value, Its the Relationships with people which rank the highest! There are many a time I wished I could have that second chance at Life- A Rewind button! Just once have I got the chance to use it till now and It was a wonderful feeling! The happiness, The joy which filled me was just too awesome a feeling to be described! I wish Life was that easy to mend but Alas.... Being an Engineering Student, we are taught a hell lot about How things work! But why didnt anyone stop and teach us How Life worked? Maybe Someone should just Invent a Rewind button! A Rewind button to mend all the broken hearts out there, To rectify errors made! Because we have got just one chance at This game called Life and many of us Fail! And since Life is a "No looking back", Hurtful game, Its high time someone Invents The REWIND BUTTON!
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